nextparameter process stack displaystack subtract MULTIPLY divide SQUAREROOT ** NAME : MINICAL 1 ** ** TYPE : PROGRAM 1 ** ** MODULE : MINICAL.BAS - ** ** LANGUAGE: QUICKBASIC 4.5 FUNCTIONS* SUBPROGRAMS get the command line create a pseudo stack process each part of the command line* Not enough stack values" Display resultsv all done nextparameter ** NAME : NEXTPARAMETER$ * ** ** TYPE : finction 0 ** ** Module: Minical.bas - ** ** Language: Quickbasic 4.5 Extracts parameters form the front of the command line. Parameters are * groups of any characters separated by spaces.m process ** NAME : PROCESS ** TYPE : SUBPROGRAM . ** ** Module: Minical.bas - ** ** Language: Quickbasic 4.5 PROCESSES each command parameter for the MINICAL program. SQR"; CASE ELSE displaystack ** NAME : displaystack , ** ** TYPE : subprogram . ** ** Module: Minical.bas - ** ** Language: Quickbasic 4.5 Displays anything left on the stack when MINICAL finishes processing the command line.r stack...." results...